2.9 Exact stop/continuous-path control mode: G09/G60/G64

G functions are provided for optimum adaptation to different requirements to set the traversing behavior at the block borders and for block advancing. For example, you would like to quickly position with the axes or you would like to machine path contours over multiple blocks.

1. G60: Exact stop, modal

2. G64: Continuous-path mode

3. G09: Exact stop, non-modal. If the exact stop function (G60 or G9) is active, the velocity for reaching the exact end position at the end of a block is decelerated to zero. Another modal G group can be used here to set when the traversing movement of this block is considered ended and the next block is started.

Continuous-path control mode G64: The objective of the continuous-path control mode is to avoid deceleration at the block boundaries and to switch to the next block with a path velocity as constant as possible (in the case of tangential transitions). The function works with look-ahead velocity control over several blocks. For non-tangential transitions (corners), the velocity can be reduced rapidly enough so that the axes are subject to a relatively high velocity change over a short period of time.

In the continuous-path control mode with G64, the control system automatically determines the velocity control for several NC blocks in advance. This enables acceleration and deceleration across multiple blocks with approximately tangential transitions.

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